标题:On the detection of cerebral metabolic depression in experimental traumatic brain injury using Chemical Exchange Saturation Transfer (CEST)-weighted MRI
摘要:C]-glucose (2DG) autoradiography validation. The results demonstrated that saturation duration of 1‒2 seconds at pulse powers 1.5‒2µT resulted in an improved contrast-to-noise ratio between the gray and white matter comparable to 2DG autoradiographs. The intrasubject (n = 4) and intersubject (n = 3) coefficient of variations for repeated glucoCEST acquisitions (n = 4) ranged between 8‒16%. Optimization for the TBI study revealed that glucoCEST-weighted images with 1.5μT power and 1 s saturation duration revealed the greatest changes in contrast before and after TBI, and positively correlated with 2DG autoradiograph (r = 0.78, p < 0.01, n = 6) observations. These results demonstrate that glucoCEST-weighted imaging may be useful in detecting metabolic abnormalities following TBI.