摘要:The interference effects of transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) on several electroencephalographic (EEG) measures in both temporal and frequency domains have been reported. We tested the hypothesis whether the offline external inhibitory interference, although focal, could result in a global reorganization of the functional brain state, as assessed by EEG microstates. In 16 healthy subjects, we inhibited five parietal areas and used a pseudo stimulation (Sham) at rest. The EEG microstates were extracted before and after each stimulation. The canonical A, B, C and D templates were found before and after all stimulation conditions. The Sham, as well as the stimulation of a ventral site did not modify any resting EEG microstates' topography. On the contrary, interfering with parietal key-nodes of both dorsal attention (DAN) and default mode networks (DMN), we observed that the microstate C clearly changes, whereas the other three topographies are not affected. These results provide the first causal evidence of a microstates modification following magnetic interference. Since the microstate C has been associated to the activity in regions belonging to the cingulo-opercular network (CON), the regional specificity of such inhibition seems to support the theory of a link between CON and both DAN and DMN at rest.