摘要:Many recent studies have demonstrated that several known and unknown viruses infect many horticultural plants. However, the elucidation of a viral population and the understanding of the genetic complexity of viral genomes in a single plant are rarely reported. Here, we conducted metatranscriptome analyses using six different peach trees representing six individual peach cultivars. We identified six viruses including five viruses in the family Betaflexiviridae and a novel virus belonging to the family Tymoviridae as well as two viroids. The number of identified viruses and viroids in each transcriptome ranged from one to six. We obtained 18 complete or nearly complete genomes for six viruses and two viroids using transcriptome data. Furthermore, we analyzed single nucleotide variations for individual viral genomes. In addition, we analyzed the amount of viral RNA and copy number for identified viruses and viroids. Some viruses or viroids were commonly present in different cultivars; however, the list of infected viruses and viroids in each cultivar was different. Taken together, our study reveals the viral population in a single peach tree and a comprehensive overview for the diversities of viral communities in different peach cultivars.