摘要:Intrinsically disordered proteins (IDPs) are common in eukaryotes. However, relatively few experimental studies have addressed the nature of the rate-limiting transition state for the coupled binding and folding reactions involving IDPs. By using site-directed mutagenesis in combination with kinetics measurements we have here characterized the transition state for binding between the globular TAZ1 domain of CREB binding protein and the intrinsically disordered C-terminal activation domain of Hif-1α (Hif-1α CAD). A total of 17 Hif-1α CAD point-mutations were generated and a Φ-value binding analysis was carried out. We found that native hydrophobic binding interactions are not formed at the transition state. We also investigated the effect the biologically important Hif-1α CAD Asn-803 hydroxylation has on the binding kinetics, and found that the whole destabilization effect due the hydroxylation is within the dissociation rate constant. Thus, the rate-limiting transition state is "disordered-like", with native hydrophobic binding contacts being formed cooperatively after the rate-limiting barrier, which is clearly shown by linear free energy relationships. The same behavior was observed in a previously characterized TAZ1/IDP interaction, which may suggest common features for the rate-limiting transition state for TAZ1/IDP interactions.