摘要:= 20 wt.%, contains extremely high concentrations of large ion lithophile elements, similar to kimberlite melts. Peridotites cooled down to ≅800 °C during Stage 2, resulted in the growth of garnet relatively poor in pyrope content, molar Mg/(Mg + Fe + Ca + Mn), (ca. 67 mol.%). This garnet displays a sinusoidal REE pattern that formed in equilibrium with carbonatitic fluid. Subsequently, subduction of the peridotite resulted in the formation of garnet with a slightly higher pyrope content (70 mol.%) during the Variscan subduction Stage 3 (950 °C, 2.9 GPa). These data suggest the following scenario for the generation of melt in the mantle wedge. Primarily, infiltration of sediment-derived potassic carbonatite melt into the deep mantle wedge resulted in the growth of phlogopite and carbonate/diamond. Formation of volatile-bearing minerals lowered the density and strength of the peridotite. Finally, phlogopite-bearing carbonated peridotite rose as diapirs in the mantle wedge to form carbonated potassic silicate melts at the base of the overriding lithosphere.