摘要:The successful isolation and propagation of patient-derived keratinocytes from cervical lesions constitute a more appropriate model of cervical disease than traditional cervical cancer-derived cell lines such as SiHa and CaSki. Our aim was to streamline the growth of patient-obtained, cervical keratinocytes into a reproducible process. We performed an observational case series study with 60 women referred to colposcopy for a diagnostic biopsy. Main outcome measures were how many samples could be passaged at least once (n = 11), and where enough cells could be established, to precisely define their proliferation profile over time (n = 3). Altering cell culture conditions over those reported by other groups markedly improved outcomes. We were also successful in making freeze backs which could be resuscitated to successfully propagate multi-layered, organoids from cervical keratinocytes (n = 3). For best results, biopsy-intrinsic factors such as size and tissue digestion appear to be major variables. This seems to be the first systematic report with a well characterized and defined sample size, detailed protocol, and carefully assessed cell yield and performance. This research is particularly impactful for constituting a sample repository-on-demand for appropriate disease modelling and drug screening under the umbrella of personalized health.