摘要:The acceleration of economic globalization and integration has led to a dramatic increase in the flow of goods worldwide and changes in the spatial location of logistics facilities. The location of logistics facilities affects not only the cost and efficiency of cargo transportation activities, but also the rational allocation of logistics resources. Recently, the two major perspectives of logistics space research—cluster (the concentration of logistics facilities and functions in geography) and sprawl (movement of facilities from the urban core to peripheral places) have received extensive attention from academia and policy makers. The evolution of logistics space is influenced by land prices, traffic accessibility, market demand, agglomeration advantages and government policies. The purpose of this study is to present a literature review of logistics space, including data sources, research methods as well as research theories, and to study the impact of logistics space from the perspective of sustainable development. The research results provide some reference for logistics space researchers and logistics facility planners, and play a role in formulating new logistics development strategies and promoting the sustainable development of logistics.