摘要:This study was conducted to develop a web-based interactive system, Web Macerasi, for teaching-learning and evaluation purposes, and to find out the possible effects of this system. The study has two stages. In the first stage, a WebQuest site was designed as an interactive system in which various Internet and web technologies were used for infusion of technology into teaching and learning process. The Web Macerasi site was used for project work by 92 prospective students who attended different courses in different years. For collecting the students perceptions about the implementations of the system, a questionnaire of WebQuest effectiveness and a focus group interview guide were developed. Next, the first phase of the study was concluded, and the WebQuest system was updated based on the data gathered from students. In the second phase, 27 students from a different course used the system, and their perceptions were collected through the questionnaire and analyzed. It was found that the students favored the technology-supported media, were more willing to collaborate, found the feedback very useful, and agreed on the positive contribution of planned works. Consequently, the Web Macerasi site was found to be successful and to have been used effectively in terms of its aims. Further studies should be carried out for diffusion of this technology into the teaching-learning processes.