出版社:Servicio de Publicaciones de la Universidad Complutense de Madrid
摘要:Behavior disorders in schools are the subject of numerous investigations (Mayorga & Oliver, 2006; Olweus, 1973a; Sela-Shayovitz, 2009; Sellman, 2011; Torrego & Galán, 2008). The aim of this study is to describe how the intervention in students with Severe Behavioral Disorders (AGC) in state high schools of Toledo (Spain) is carried out. The research plan corresponds to a single case study of intrinsic type. Collection and analysis of data techniques are quantitative vs. qualitative in a complementary manner. Prefigured categories of analysis were designed from the theoretical framework of the study and emergent categories were collected. A semi-structured interview questionnaire designed ad hoc was the instrument employed. The results indicated that the intervention which is being developed in state secondary schools of the province of Toledo with this type of students should be revised. There are important differences between the basic criteria for prevention, the care from a holistic approach to improve coexistence and the level of real implementation in schools. Proposals for improvement are put forward.
关键词:alteraciones de la conducta;centro de enseñanza secundaria;conflicto;intervención