摘要:This paper starts from the perspective that affections are a source of knowledge and that their effects must be evaluated (FAVRET-SAADA, 2005). For this, we chose to affirm as Barros & Passos (2009) a policy of narrativity that accounts for the affects we experienced in the encounter with some high school students in São Paulo. We are also inspired by Tedesco, Sade & Caliman (2013) who, based on pragmatic studies, affirm the importance of assembling the interview as a shared experience between interviewer and interviewee (s), requiring that listening and looking broaden, go beyond the pure content of the lived experience, the experience lived in the interview, and include its genetic aspect, the procedural dimension of the experience, understood in its variations. Following this line, our ethicalaesthetic-political choice aside from fully publishing the interview conducted with the former high school student Cauê Borges, who participated in student occupations in the years 2015 and 2016 in the city of São Paulo. The interview seeks here to be a living expression in the act of contemporary political resistance
关键词:Affections;Students;Occupations;Courage;Ways of resistance;Afetos;Estudantes;Ocupações;Coragem;Modos de Resistência