出版社:Faculty of Law, University of Zagreb, Department of Social Work
摘要:The aim of this study was to investigate whether overt and relational aggression of adolescent boys and girls can be predicted based on the behaviour of their mothers and fathers, and whether the role of parental behaviour in explaining aggressive behaviour depends on the gender of the child and parent. The study included 605 participants (273 girls and 332 boys), third grade secondary school students. Data on overt and relational aggressive behaviour of adolescents was collected by administering the Peer Conflict Scale questionnaire (Marsee i Frick, 2007), while data on the perception of parental behaviour was collected administering the Parental Behaviour Questionnaire (Keresteš et al., 2012). The results show that boys generally exhibit higher degrees of overt aggression and that they perceive fathers as more supportive and less permissive compared to girls. As regards overt aggression of boys, regression analysis has shown that a significant predictor is higher mother’s restrictive control, while predictors of overt aggression of girls included higher mother’s restrictive control and permissiveness and less father’s parental support. The important predictors of relational aggression in boys and girls are higher mother’s and father’s restrictive control, lower father’s support and higher mother’s permissiveness. The results of the study contribute to understanding of the complex relationship between parental behaviour and aggressive behaviour of adolescents, they can be useful to various specialists working with adolescents and their parents, and can be applied in designing and implementing programmes to raise awareness of the importance of parental behaviour and how parent and child behaviour are interrelated, both generally and in the context of gender differences.