摘要:This study investigats the instructional impact of case-based reasoning (CBR) instruction integrated with information and communication technology (ICT) on students’ learning outcomes of mathematical modeling curriculum at university level. Total 118 students in Hunan University of Technology fulfilled the curriculum demand of 13-weeks instruction time with three hours per week and total 45 hours. The two-way analysis of variance, Levene’s test of equality of error variance and nonequivalent posttest were employed for the collected statistical data. The obtained results indicate that the case-based reasoning instruction integrated with information and communication technology presents notable effects on students’ learning outcomes in mathematical modeling curriculum and is potential to yield better learning performance than that instructed by either case-based reasoning or information and communication technology alone. However, excessive CBR use in modeling curriculum might not contribute to further enhancement of students’ learning gains.
关键词:Case-based reasoning; Information and communication technology; Mathematical modeling; Learning outc