期刊名称:Revista brasileira de crescimento e desenvolvimento humano
出版社:Centro de Estudos de Crescimento e Desenvolvimento do Ser Humano
摘要:OBJETIVO: verificar a prevalência de sobrepeso e obesidade segundo sexo e idade em crianças de 2 a 6 anos de idade, alunos de escolas particulares no município de São Paulo. MÉTODO: foram realizadas medidas de peso e de altura para verificação do estado nutricional de oitocentos e seis crianças de ambos os sexos. Para a classificação do estado nutricional das crianças foram utilizadas as curvas de percentis do Índice de Massa Corporal (IMC = Peso (kg) / Altura² (cm)) para idade, conforme padrão de referência do Multicentre Growth Study, recomendado pela Organização Mundial de Saúde que classifica como sobrepeso valores de percentis > 85 e < 97 e para a obesidade valores
其他摘要:To verify the prevalence of overweight and obesity according to gender and age in two to six years old children registered in private schools of São Paulo. METHODS: the measured of weight and height in order to assess the nutritional state of eight hundred and six children from both sexes. In order to perform the classification of the nutritional state of children we used the percentiles curves of Body Mass Index (BMI = Weight (kg) / Height (cm)²) for age as reference standard of Multicentre Growth Study, currently recommended for the World Health Organization that classifies as overweight the percentiles values e" 85 to 97. In order to analyze the relation between sex, age and nutritional status we used the linear model generalized of multiple regressions (glm) with logarithmic relating, and binomial family, which provides, directly, the value of the ratios of prevalence (RP). RESULTS: The prevalence of overweight + obesity was 37.2% for male and 33.4% for female children. The prevalence ratios (PR) showed that a significant difference between obesity and overweight + obesity for sex and age does not exist. CONCLUSION: Prevalence of overweight and obesity superior than the average prevalence of the Brazilian population were observed. The results found in this study strengthen the concern with the infantile obesity that apparently is increasingly growing in precocious ages as of the preschool ones children.
其他关键词:prevalence;overweight;obesity;child and preschool