摘要:The number of disabled people is increasing, and the problem of their rehabilitation and social adaptation is important. In the Republic of Belarus, hippotherapy began to be applied about ten years ago. Within this time, about 200 children sick with cerebral spastic infantile paralysis (severity levels I–III), epilepsy, autism and other diseases underwent rehabilitation. About 70 of them started moving independently; the disability degree of 25 children was lowered or removed. The study on using the method of X-ray fluorescent analysis (RFA) during hippotherapy was the first of its kind in the Republic of Belarus. The aim of the research was the detection of efficiency of impact of hippotherapy on children with psychophysical peculiarities with use of modern control methods. The need for correction of the following elements – calcium, potassium, ferrum, cuprum, zinc, selenium, iodine – in children’s ration at the time of hippotherapy sessions was shown. The need for increasing the frequency of sessions of hippotherapy from once a week to three times a week was established.