期刊名称:Proceedings of the Canadian Engineering Education Association
期号:Proceedings of the Canadian Engineering Education Association (CEEA) Conference- June 4-7, 2017 University of Toronto
出版社:The Canadian Engineering Education Association (CEEA)
摘要:The focus of this paper is to present a baseline to a proposed longevity project for enhanced introduction of lifelong learning skill to engineering students. Lifelong learning is one of the twelve graduate attributes identified and evaluated by CEAB in the accreditation process of Canadian engineering programs. ENGN 326: Materials, Mechanics and Manufacturing is a third year core course with a broad scope of topics Students’ learning experience could be enriched if they adopt a proactive learning effort of setting weekly learning goals that could go beyond the set of topics given in the course syllabus. From their weekly submissions and their subsequent reflections, we tried to answer how realistic goals were set by the students and how much they were related to course materials. Comparisons to a similar study [1], presented in CEEA16 by the authors, have been made to show the effectiveness of SMART goal setting intervention to be given in an appropriate time before the first mid-term.