关键词:Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report; MMWR; Centers for Disease Control and Prevention; CDC; National Notifiable Diseases Surveillance System (NNDSS); Council of State and Territorial Epidemiologists (CSTE); the Voice of CDC; scientific publication; publication; recommendations; articles; statements; data; timely; reliable; collaboration; authoritative; accurate; objective; useful; accomplishments; proceedings; statistics; graphic form; nationally; notifiable; infectious diseases; diseases; United States; state; Journal; QuickStats; Notes From The Field; Continuing Education; CME’s; Vital Signs; and Leading Causes of Death; territorial health departments; collected; compiled; public health information; public domain; material; reports; recommendations; readership; predominantly; physicians; nurses; public health practitioners; epidemiologists; scientists; researchers; educators; laboratorians; state health departments; national conferences.