摘要:The aim of this paper is to investigate one of the most relevant aspects of obsessional neurosis, the moral issue. This is due to the importance that guilt gets in this pathology, expressed through self-accusation. Our investigation will focus mainly on the issue of guilt starting from the relationship between the agencies of ego and superego. W e will have a theoretical elaboration of this issue through a critical analysis of the literature, according to a methodological model of aqualitative type. W e seek to show that the violence of the superego, characteristic of obsessional neurosis, is not primarily linked to the question of law in the sense of morality. W e examine the essential aspects that underlie the settlement of guilt inthis modality of neurosis, taking into account the drive dynamics implied. Aiming at demonstrating the action of a dimension of psychological violence in obsessional neurosis, we analyze the determinations of the violence of the guilt characteristic of this neurosis, considering the topical, dynamic and economic features involved. The superego relentlessly attacks the ego, putting it in a position of passivity. In an attempt to overcome such passivity, the ego responds to this attack by convening a categorical morals.