摘要:This study addressed the insufficient verification of reliability and validity of the Differentiation of Self Scale in Two Domains (DSS-2D). Although the DSS-2D is the first measure in Japan that satisfies the three requirements (corresponding to two domains, applicable to a wide range of adolescents, and a moderate number of items), verification of reliability and validity of the DSS-2D has remained insufficient. Two questionnaire surveys were conducted with university students ( n = 70 at T1, n = 68 at T2). The interval of the surveys was one month. The results indicate that the DSS-2D had sufficient test-retest reliability and concurrent validity in each domain of differentiation of self. These results provide support for the DSS-2D as a valid and adequate measure for use in Japan.
关键词:Differentiation of Self;Domain Specific Validation;Interpersonal Domain;Intrapsychic Domain;Test-Retest Reliability