摘要:Before-and-after methods have been effectively used in the road safety studies to estimate Crash Modification Factors (CMFs) of individual treatments as well as the multiple treatments on roadways. Since the common practice is to apply multiple treatments on road segments, it is important to have a method to estimate CMFs of individual treatment so that the effect of each treatment towards improving the road safety can be identified. Even though there are methods introduced by researchers to combine multiple CMFs or to isolate the safety effectiveness of individual treatment from CMFs developed for multiple treatments, those methods have to be tested before using them. This study considered two multiple treatments namely 1) Safety edge with lane widening 2) Adding 2 ft paved shoulders with shoulder rumble strips and/or asphalt resurfacing. The objectives of this research are to propose a regression-based method to estimate individual CMFs estimate CMFs using before-and-after Empirical Bayes method and compare the results. The results showed that having large sample size gives accurate predictions with smaller standard error and p-values of the considered treatments. Also, results obtained from regression method are similar to the EB method even though the values are not exactly the same. Finally, it was seen that the safety edge treatment reduces crashes by 15% - 25% and adding 2 ft shoulders with rumble strips reduces crashes by 25% - 49%.