This study explores the factors that affect the incomes of real estate salespersons by applying hierarchical linear modeling (HLM) to investigate the incomes of real estate salespersons in Kaohsiung. A total of 510 questionnaires were distributed to large chain housing agencies, of which a total of 319 effective samples were retrieved from 54 branch stores, for an effective return rate of 62.55%. The empirical results showed that individual incomes vary significantly from store to store. About 4.8% of the variation in individual incomes was due to differences among different branch stores. The individual income of a real estate salesperson is also significantly affected by individual-level factors such as age, working hours, and working experience. The marginal impact of education level, age, working hours, and working experience on real estate salesperson income is moderated by the type of store at which the given salesperson works. In addition, a branch store’s location has a direct, significant, and positive impact on a real estate salesperson’s income.