This panel analysis study is conducted to examine the relationship between inflation rates (CPI) and unemployment rates (HUR) with the Gross Domestic Product growth rates (GDP), before and after the 2008 European crisis. Quarterly data for 18 consecutive years and six sample countries from Europe (Austria, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary and United Kingdom) have been considered in the panel. In order to get a more profound understanding of the impacts of the European crisis on the relationship between the variables, the panel data set has been classified into 3 separate panels, such that Panel 1 (1999Q1-2007Q4) represents before-crisis panel, Panel 2 (2008Q1-2016Q4) represents the during/after crisis panel and lastly, Panel 3 (1999Q1-2016Q4) represents the long-run panel. Panel 1 is subject to the Fixed Effects with LSDV model, whereby four out of the six countries are significant, and CPI and HUR are insignificant predictors of the GDP. Both Panel 2 and Panel 3 are subject to the Two-way Random Effects model, whereby both CPI and HUR have negative significant effect on GDP. Granger Causality test has also been carried out to determine whether causality is present among variables, based on each panel.