The purpose of the study was to describe and analyze the concept and model of the style of leadership in muna communities which was abstracted through the story of Kolope Bhala Tumbu (cassava or gadung/dioscorea hispida dennst). Data was collected by depth interview, documentation, and focused discussion. Data was analyzed by data reduction, data displaying and conclusion. Result of the study showed that the concept of leadership contains in the story of Kolope Bhala Tumbu as follows; 1) leading by ear, means that a leader is a listener, 2) leading by action indicates that a leader is a controler, server, and colaborator, 3) leading by charming that is a leader is a character that is respected not to be feared. as the criterion he must have a good heart, good deeds, open minded, be intelectual, clean, respecting, caring and loving, and always down to earth. A leader must see that his authority of leading is limited by ethics and moral that allowed him to rule. The style of leadership in the story of kolope bhala tumbu was a democratic-humanist style. This could be seen from the period of sucetion that run failry, transparancy, open, and volunterily through the proces of deliberation. In the end of the sucetion, paddy was augurated as the leader for the plants as he was considered to have all the good characters and criterion, able and capable. This story decsribed that the power of leading is limited by ethics and morals. This story could be inspiring the humans in the modern era to be a respected leader.