摘要:Enumerating all consistent states of a parallel computation that satisfy a given predicate is an important problem in debugging and verification of parallel programs. We give a fast algorithm to enumerate all consistent states of a parallel computation that satisfy a stable predicate. In addi- tion, we define a new category of global predicates called count predicates and give an algorithm to enumerate all consistent states (of the computation) that satisfy it. All existing predicate detection algorithms, such as BFS, DFS and Lex algorithms, do not exploit the knowledge about the nature of the predicates, and thus may visit all global states of the computation in the worst case. In comparison, our algorithms only visit the states that satisfy the given predicate, and thus take time and space that is a polynomial function of the number of states of interest. In doing so, they provide a significant reduction - exponential in many cases - in time complexities in comparison to existing algorithms.