期刊名称:International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications(IJACSA)
出版社:Science and Information Society (SAI)
摘要:In database records duplicate detection, blocking method is commonly used to reduce the number of comparisons between the candidate record pairs. The main procedure in this method requires selecting attributes that will be used as sorting keys. Selection accuracy is essential in clustering candidates records that are likely matched in the same block. Nevertheless, the presence of missing values affects the creation of sorting keys and this is particularly undesirable if it involves the attributes that are used as the sorting keys. This is because, consequently, records that are supposed to be included in the duplicate detection procedure will be excluded from being examined. Thus, in this paper, we propose a method that can deal with the impact of missing values by using a dynamic sorting key. Dynamic sorting is an extension of blocking method that essentially works on two functions namely uniqueness calculation function (UF) (to choose unique attributes) and completeness function (CF) (to search for missing values). We experimented a particular blocking method called as sorted neighborhood with a dynamic sorting key on a restaurant data set (that consists of duplicate records) obtained from earlier research in order to evaluate the method’s accuracy and speed. Hypothetical missing values were applied to testing data set used in the experiment, where we compare the results of duplicate detection with (and without) dynamic sorting key. The result shows that, even though missing values are present, there is a promising improvement in the partitioning of duplicate records in the same block.