摘要:Strategic documents on Russia's development define a transition to a knowledge economy and balanced spatial development, based on innovation and highly skilled human resources. At the present stage of the world economy development, various forms of ties in the scientific, educational, cultural and production spheres that form the scientific and educational space of the territory make a significant economic effect on the restoration and formation of the intellectual potential of the regions. The article describes the scientific and educational space of the Arctic zone of Russia. Specific examples show that in the subjects of the Russian Federation, science and education are unevenly developed. Formation of the scientific and educational space in the Russian Arctic continues. The analysis of this process is of great scientific and practical interest.The meaning of the study is to draw the attention of research organizations and industrial enterprises located both in the Russian Arctic and outside it to the possibility of common use of human, organizational and technical resources within clusters and other forms of interaction. The results of this study may be used by scientific and educational organizations, enterprises of the real sector of the economy, federal and regional executive authorities of the Arctic for the management solutions of the scientific and educational process, training personnel for the real sector of the economy, monitoring the current and prospective staffing needs of the Russian Arctic territories.