期刊名称:Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences
出版社:The National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America
摘要:The type 2 K+/Cl− cotransporter (KCC2) allows neurons to maintain low intracellular levels of Cl−, a prerequisite for efficient synaptic inhibition. Reductions in KCC2 activity are evident in epilepsy; however, whether these deficits directly contribute to the underlying pathophysiology remains controversial. To address this issue, we created knock-in mice in which threonines 906 and 1007 within KCC2 have been mutated to alanines (KCC2-T906A/T1007A), which prevents its phospho-dependent inactivation. The respective mice appeared normal and did not show any overt phenotypes, and basal neuronal excitability was unaffected. KCC2-T906A/T1007A mice exhibited increased basal neuronal Cl− extrusion, without altering total or plasma membrane accumulation of KCC2. Critically, activity-induced deficits in synaptic inhibition were reduced in the mutant mice. Consistent with this, enhanced KCC2 was sufficient to limit chemoconvulsant-induced epileptiform activity. Furthermore, this increase in KCC2 function mitigated induction of aberrant high-frequency activity during seizures, highlighting depolarizing GABA as a key contributor to the pathological neuronal synchronization seen in epilepsy. Thus, our results demonstrate that potentiating KCC2 represents a therapeutic strategy to alleviate seizures.