期刊名称:Journal of Education and Teaching in Emergency Medicine
出版社:University of California Press
摘要:History of present illness: A 52-year-old male presented to the emergency room with left chest wall pain
and upper back pain after falling from an estimated height of 24 feet, landing on his back. On physical exam,
the patient had crepitus to left chest wall and back and was persistently hypotensive in the trauma bay.
Significant findings: Plain film anteroposterior (AP) radiography of the chest shows left-sided subcutaneous
emphysema (red arrow) with overlapping muscle striations of the pectoralis major (green arrow). After chest
tube placement (blue arrow), AP chest radiography shows persistent left-sided subcutaneous emphysema
(red arrow). CT of the chestshows pneumomediastinum (blue arrow), left apical pneumothorax (pink arrow),
and subcutaneous emphysema (red arrow) at the level of T2. At the level of T6, rib fractures can be visualized
on the CT (yellow arrow). At the level of T8, left sided pneumothorax is also seen (pink arrow) as the absence
of lung tissue on CT.
Discussion: Injuries of the thorax account for 25% of all mortality in trauma patients, of which many are
preventable deaths by simple interventions.1,2 One sign commonly seen in patients with chest trauma is
subcutaneous emphysema. The presence of this underlying emphysema has been suggested to be a sign of
injury to the respiratory tract, making it clinically significant.3,4 Specifically, subcutaneous emphysema has
been shown to be a clinical predictor of occult pneumothorax, with an odds ratio of 5.47.3 Furthermore,
these injuries to the respiratory tract (pneumothorax /hemothorax, pneumomediastinum, etc.) can lead to
hemodynamic instability and respiratory failure.4-6
Treatment of these injuries consist of different measures. Subcutaneous emphysema does not usually
require treatment and will reabsorb spontaneously.7 Pneumothorax and hemothorax are both treated with
chest tube placement. In a hemothorax, however, if the tube evacuates more than 1,500 mL of blood
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immediately or more than 200 mL/hour, the patient should be taken to the operating room for surgical
exploration of the chest.8 Therefore, complete investigation into the underlying cause of subcutaneous
emphysema is essential in managing patients with chest trauma.
In this patient, given the findings of multiple bilateral rib fractures, bilateral hemothorax/pneumothorax and
multiple spine fractures, bilateral chest tubes were placed which had immediate output. The patient was
admitted to surgical intensive care unit for chest tube management, pulmonary hygiene and further
management of his other injuries.