摘要:This article aims to assess the current state of musical activity in limiting stereotypical behavior in 5- to 6-year-old ASD in some special education centers in Hanoi, Vietnam. A number of lessons for teachers in organizing musical activities for ASD children will be discussed. The results of theoretical and practical research indicate that: 1) stereotype behavior has a significant impact on play, learning and social participation in ASD children; 2) Music is the pathway to the emotional world of children, the appropriate use of music will help ASD children to reconcile emotions and reduce stereotyped stereotype; 3) Organizing music activities not only helps children to focus attention, helps children relax, increases calm, but also helps children improve interpersonal skills, group activities as well as language development. speech, body and behavior; 4) The process of organizing musical activities of teachers and parents for ASD children has not had a consistent, clear process as well as coordination among stakeholders has not really tight. Consequently, educators need to continue to research and propose appropriate measures and procedures for organizing appropriate music activities for teachers and parents, which is needed in young ASD intervention centers.