摘要:AQUATER is a Decision Support System (DSS) developed to drive crop management decisions at district level in a Mediterranean area; it integrates information from soil and climatic databases with a crop growth simulation model and provides estimates of crop yield at regional scale. AQUATER can assimilate LAI maps derived from Earth observation data in order to mitigate the risk of erroneous model predictions over large areas. In this study, time-series of LAI maps derived from COSMO-SkyMed SAR images, acquired over the Capitanata plain (Puglia region) in 2010 and 2011, have been assimilated by a forcing procedure in AQUATER and the improvements of its predictions have been assessed. Results indicate that the LAI assimilation leads to significant improvements in the yield forecast of sugar beet and tomato crops, whereas in the case of wheat the improvements are marginal.
关键词:Leaf area index ; decision support system ; crop yield ; COSMO-SkyMed