出版社:Universidade Regional do Noroeste do Estado do Rio Grande do Sul
摘要:Reconhecendo a relevância da juventude e que a mesma possui papel preponderante no processo de desenvolvimento rural, o objetivo deste estudo é identificar os projetos de vida dos jovens filhos de agricultores familiares produtores de tabaco de Arroio do Tigre/RS. Metodologicamente a pesquisa caracteriza-se como qualitativa. As técnicas utilizadas para a coleta de dados foram: pesquisa documental e bibliográfica, entrevista semiestruturada com 18 jovens na faixa etária de 14 a 25 anos, bem como a observação participante e o caderno de campo. Analiticamente a pesquisa se pautou na Perspectiva Orientada aos Atores e do Campo de Possibilidades, de Norman Long e Van der Ploeg e de Gilberto Velho, respectivamente. Como principais resultados elenca-se o fato de os jovens projetarem sua vida no meio rural, terem um leque diversificado de planos e de ações, bem como destaca-se que os mesmos encontram-se otimistas em relação à concretização dos seus projetos de vida. Recognizing the importance of youth and that it has important role in rural development process, the objective of the study is to identify the life projects of young people children of family farmers producing tobacco in Arroio do Tigre/RS. Methodologically research is characterized as qualitative, the techniques used for data collection were: documental and bibliographic research, semi-structured interviews with 18 young people aged 14-25 years, as well as participant observation and field notebook. Analytically research was based on oriented perspective to Actors and Possibilities Court, Norman Long and Van der Ploeg and Gilberto Velho, respectively. The main results are lists, the fact that young people project their lives in rural areas, have a wide range of plans and actions, and it is emphasized that the same are optimistic about the realization of their life projects.
其他摘要:Recognizing the importance of youth and that it has important role in rural development process, the objective of the study is to identify the life projects of young people children of family farmers producing tobacco in Arroio do Tigre/RS. Methodologically research is characterized as qualitative, the techniques used for data collection were: documental and bibliographic research, semi-structured interviews with 18 young people aged 14-25 years, as well as participant observation and field notebook. Analytically research was based on oriented perspective to Actors and Possibilities Court, Norman Long and Van der Ploeg and Gilberto Velho, respectively. The main results are lists, the fact that young people project their lives in rural areas, have a wide range of plans and actions, and it is emphasized that the same are optimistic about the realization of their life projects.