标题:Structural evolution, optoelectrical and corrosion properties of electrodeposited WO3 integration on Zn-TiO2 electrolyte for defence super application
摘要:Multifunctional nano composite coatings of Zn-TiO2-WO3 were deposited electrolytically on mild steel (MS) from Zn bath, having Zn2+ ions and uniform dispersion of TiO2 and WO3 nano particulates. The electrical, optical and corrosion resistance characteristics of the electrocodeposited coatings were assessed by Keithley 2400 Series Source meter with Multimeters, Newport Solar Simulator and a PGSTAT30 Autolab potentiostat respectively. The morphological characteristics of the composite coatings were characterized by scanning electron microscope (SEM) equipped with energy dispersive spectrometer (EDS). The result revealed that the electrocodeposits showed good stability and Zn-TiO2-WO3 nanocomposite deposits displayed enhanced microstructural qualities, good electrical conductivity and exhibited enriched corrosion resistance.
关键词:Nano-composite ; Electrocodeposition ; Corrosion ; Conductivity and resistance