期刊名称:Revue de Neuropsychologie Neurosciences Cognitives et Cliniques
出版社:John Libbey Eurotext
摘要:Symptomatic and cognitive similarities between manic states in bipolar disorder and schizophrenia have led some authors to explore the functioning of semantic memory in bipolar disorder in order to assess whether the semantic memory alterations observed in schizophrenia are found in bipolar disorder. While the dysfunctions of semantic processes are associated with formal thought disorders in schizophrenia, it appears that it is not the case in bipolarity. Moreover, while altered semantic processes are clearly identified in schizophrenia, the results in bipolar disorder are less clear. The discrepancies between studies could be due to the heterogeneity concerning the methodologies used ( i.e. , verbal fluency tasks, priming paradigms) or concerning clinical characteristics ( i.e. , types of bipolar disorder, thymic states). The studies suggest a probable impairment of semantic activation/inhibition processes during the manic phases that could persist during periods of remission. During depressive state, there is no evidence of impairment of semantic memory functioning. Furthermore, dysfunctions in semantic memory could also be due to some more general process dysfunctions such as inhibition and/or emotional processing. Future studies on semantic memory in bipolar disorder should take into account the complexity of clinical variabilities and use more specific tools to more accurately identify impaired processes. These refinements could lead to the development of remediation programs that target bipolar particularities and improve the functioning and the quality of life of bipolar patients.