摘要:The midcourse review of the Healthy People 2020 published early this year suggested that 16 of the 33 oral health objectives had met or exceeded their targets ( http://bit.ly/2r9NXqa ), but oral health inequities have persisted despite the progress achieved since the Oral Health in America report in 2000. For example, the target for all children experiencing dental caries in their primary dentition was set at 30%. The midcourse review showed a decrease of 3.6 percentage points (29.7%; 2013–2014) from the baseline burden of dental caries (33.3%; 1999–2004), with female (31.2%), Mexican American (41.5%), and African American (30.3%) children carrying a disproportionate burden of dental caries in their primary dentitions. However, a challenge is the lack of a uniform and inclusive data collection that could be used to monitor oral health within and between groups representing the population.