摘要:Tuberculosis (TB) is a social disease with medicalaspects accounting for 8.7 million new cases and 1.4million deaths in the year 2011 worldwide.International standards for TB care (ISTC) wereformulated to develop uniform guidelines forensuring the delivery of a widely accepted level ofcare by all health care practitioners in managing TBpatients, or those suspected to have tuberculosis.India alone has contributed 25% of the globallyreported new cases of TB in 2011 and is also theleading nation in accounting for drug resistant TB(DR-TB). Thus to develop uniform standards of TBcare and to engage private sector which caters tomore than 70% of TB patients, the “central TBdivision” has developed standards of TB care in India(STCI). These local standards have been designedafter taking into account the guidelines of the WorldHealth Organization and ISTC disease control STCIhas proposed 26 standards (viz. diagnosis – 1 to 6;treatment – 7 to 11; public health – 12 to 21; socialinclusion – 22 to 26) for effective prevention andcontrol of TB. To conclude, the Indian standards ofTB care have been proposed to emphasize onindividual patient care and public health principles ofdisease control for ultimately reducing not only thesuffering but also the economic losses fromtuberculosis.
关键词:Tuberculosis; International standards for;Tuberculosis care; India.