摘要:The objectives of this study were to determine the national prevalence and profile of American Indian and Alaska Natives with functional limitations. Data were obtained from 4763 American Indian and Alaska Native respondents aged 45 years or older in the Census 2000 Supplementary Survey. Functional limitations were reported by 28% of American Indian and Alaska Natives aged 45 years or older. These individuals were poorer, older, less educated, and less likely to be married or employed than American Indian and Alaska Natives without such limitations (for all comparisons, P < .001). American Indian and Alaska Natives have high disability rates, and many are not receiving benefits for which they qualify The health status of American Indian and Alaska Native older adults “ranks among the poorest of any minority in the nation.” 1 Chronic illnesses, such as diabetes, have reached epidemic proportions in American Indian and Alaska Native communities. 2 Such illness often results in difficulties in performing basic functional activities, such as lifting, climbing stairs, and walking. 3 In addition to the considerable impact on quality of life, disability among older adults is “a better predictor of medical and social-service needs than simple prevalence or incidence figures of disease.” 3 Despite the importance of documenting national data on functional limitations among older populations, little research attention has focused on this issue among older American Indian and Alaska Natives. 4 This is the first nationally representative study of American Indian and Alaska Natives aged 45 years and over, comparing and contrasting the sociodemographic characteristics and service utilization patterns of those with and those without functional limitations. With increased awareness of the prevalence and characteristics of American Indian and Alaska Natives with functional limitations, health care professionals can more accurately track changes over time and target outreach, prevention, and other services for this population. 5