摘要:In this cross-sectional, clinic-based study, we estimated 1-year prevalence of intimate partner violence among 986 patients who had elective abortions. We assessed physical, sexual, and battering intimate partner violence via self-administered, computer-based questionnaires. Overall, physical and sexual intimate partner violence prevalence was 9.9% and 2.5%, respectively; 8.4% of those in a current relationship reported battering. Former partners perpetrated more physical and sexual assaults than did current partners. Violence severity increased with frequency. Abortion patients experience high intimate partner violence rates, indicating the need for targeted screening and community-based referral. Intimate partner violence has far-reaching, adverse consequences for women, children, and families. 1 – 5 In live birth populations, women with unintended pregnancies reported higher intimate partner violence rates than did those with planned conceptions. 6 – 9 Women seeking abortion may be an important target population for intervention because a small but growing body of research suggests that intimate partner violence prevalence is higher among abortion patients than among women who continue their pregnancies. 10 – 15 Most studies, however, have been limited by small sample sizes and failure to measure nonphysical abuse.