摘要:Although people with drug problems consume a large proportion of cigarettes smoked in the United States, few drug treatment facilities offer tobacco treatment. Our analysis of 405 facilities showed that most had the skills but few had policies, leadership, or financial resources to provide evidence-based tobacco treatment. For-profits reported significantly fewer tobacco treatment resources than nonprofits. The Affordable Care and Mental Health Parity acts will improve treatment access for drug-dependent persons. To realize these acts’ full promise, policymakers should ensure that clients have access to tobacco treatment. A key strategy in disease control is to target high-risk populations to quickly and efficiently drive down prevalence. People with mental illness, including drug abuse and dependence, consume 44% of the tobacco products sold in the United States. 1 Each year 1 million persons enroll in drug treatment. 2 Cigarette smoking rates in these facilities range from 77% to 90%. 3–7 Several reports have found tobacco to be a major cause of mortality in this population. 8,9 We analyzed data from a national survey of drug treatment facilities 10 to examine their capacity to treat tobacco dependence within this high-prevalence population. We examined differences by facility ownership (for-profit vs nonprofit) and opioid maintenance versus chemical-free treatment orientation because both of these variables have been associated with provision of tobacco treatment in previous studies. 11–13