期刊名称:European Journal of Business and Social Sciences
出版社:European Society of Business and Social Sciences
摘要:Bangladesh is a pioneer and home of conceptualizing microcreditprogram. It has undertaken a number of suchprograms to reduce poverty and bring about socio-economicchanges in the rural community. Bangladesh is one of the populouscountries of the world and a high percentage of the population suffersfrom abject poverty. Poor rural families of Bangladesh takemicrocredit from different non-government organizations (NGOs) forreducing poverty and increase the standard of their life. Microcreditmakes some socio-economic changes on rural population including thereduction of income inequality, unemployment, consumption etc.Moreover, microcredits from the NGOs are spent on income generatingactivities and hence increase the income of rural population as well asmaking their saving habit. The microcredit has also positive impactson health, education, nutrition, population growth, life expectanciesand economic welfare of the poor rural family. This paper examinesthe socio-economic impacts of microcredit on rural family in fourvillages named Malonchi, Khoyershoti, Dipchor, and Monipur underPabna Sadar, Pabna, Bangladesh.