期刊名称:European Journal of Business and Social Sciences
出版社:European Society of Business and Social Sciences
摘要:his study is based on the Contingency Theory and has the purpose to assess theemployment of the GUT Matrix in a microbusiness enterprise of technicalassistance services, operating in the city of Porto Velho, state of Rondônia, inthe Brazilian Amazon. It considers the internal and external aspects of the saidenterprise, in order to place it in line with the GUT matrix, appointing the validcharacteristics and proposing the required innovation, in view of the assessment made.The methodology adopted was that of Case Study and the usual procedures applied toquali-quantitative research, as recommended by Oliveira (2011). The data collectioninvolved a theoretical review, in loco visits and interview with the owner of themicrobusiness enterprise. The SWOT Matrix was applied as an auxiliary tool in theprocess. As a result, it was observed that the enterprise presented problems thatdemanded immediate action, in order to avoid the worsening of the situation, in theshort term. In this context, it was used the SWOT Matrix to identify the problems andthe GUT Matrix to detect the priority scale to find an innovative solution. Theinnovation suggested to solve the most severe problems was the adoption of a reverselogistics’ policy, which will demand the removal of all stored goods to their originalplace, in order to have a sustainable destination for them and, in turn, generate profitsfor the enterprise from the selling of these electronic raw materials. This research mayserve for those interested in innovation and employment of the GUT Matrix, as forthose involved in the studied subject matter.
关键词:Innovation. Reversed Logistics. GUT Matrix. SWOT Matrix. Amazon