期刊名称:European Journal of Business and Social Sciences
出版社:European Society of Business and Social Sciences
摘要:The Vietnamese social media such as Facebook, Twitter, Go.vn andothers has provided a powerful community network giving insights intoconsumer needs and behavioral intentions. This study explores howSocial network affect consumer behaviors through consumerparticipation in an online shopping community and what motivatesconsumers to take part in the community activities. The findings of thisstudy suggest that members of Social Media communities includingseller and consumer have these motives for participating in onlinecommunity activities: trust, perceived functional benefits, socialbenefits, perceived costs and time pressure that is indirectly viaconsumer attitude towards participation in the community. Theexperimental results also verify that the consumer participation affectsconsumer behaviors intentions in a way that benefits social network fore-commerce. Participation increases the intention to purchase, theintention to create positive word-of-mouth and the intention to makeconstructive suggestions, and reduces the propensity to leave therelationship with the social media community.
关键词:Social Network; shopping; human behaviors; e-commerce