期刊名称:European Journal of Business and Social Sciences
出版社:European Society of Business and Social Sciences
摘要:The purpose of this study is to investigate the determinants ofstock trading and to answer the question whether word ofmouth communication plays an important role in stocktrading and holding. Data was collected from stock investors ofPakistan followed by cross-sectional design. Structural equationmodeling technique was applied for empirical testing of hypothesis.The outcome of this study suggests that technical expertise;experimental information, and communication skills have positive,direct and significant impact on the satisfaction as well as intention ofthe investors. The study also found the indirect relationship of word ofmouth communication and purchasing behavior of the investors.Likewise, association between word of mouth communication andsatisfaction of the investors has been found significant. Literature issilent in analyzing the behavior of investors towards communication.The findings of this study will be fruitful for students, stock investors,analysts, managers and regulators and for corporate sector toformulate strategies to compete in the challenging environment.