期刊名称:European Journal of Business and Social Sciences
出版社:European Society of Business and Social Sciences
摘要:Development is prevails all fields of our lives. Nowadays; the moreprominent and powerful organizations are those which follow thetrending norms in managing and leading like eco production, goinggreen and ethics-based management. Current study aimed atexamining the influence of ethical leadership on employees' ethicalleadership skills and their development and awareness inunderstanding such concept. Researcher aimed at understating howethical leadership pattern can influence the employees' awareness ofleadership concepts including (Responsibility, Trustworthiness,Positivity, Commitment, Communication, Creativity, Delegating,Feedback, Flexibility and Motivation). Through the quantitativeapproach and utilizing a self-administered questionnaireon total of(50) employees from the case study; it was indicated that ethicalleadership pattern has a positive influence of 'Jordan Institution forStandards and Metrology' employees' awareness of leadershipskills. Results of the study indicated that ethical leadership caninfluence and develop the ethical leadership skills among employeesand it had it influence on the following skills respectively(Responsibility, Trustworthiness, Positivity, Commitment,Communication, Creativity, Delegating, Feedback, Flexibility andMotivation). The study indicated that ethical leadership is mostinfluential on the responsibility and trustworthiness skills ofemployees. It helps employees build trust towards their leadershipand at the same time be more responsible towards their work