摘要:This paper presents the LIFEisGAME prototype-Ipad version – a serious game thatproposes to enhance facial and emotional recognition skills in children with Autism SpectrumDisorders (ASD). We assess the prototype game regarding motivation to play and gameusability, and also participants’ emotional recognition abilities and technology usage. Peoplewith autism are less likely to gaze at faces and are also impaired in face discriminationtasks. Recently, technology plays an active role in helping these individuals to understandemotions and recognise facial expressions. LIFEisGAME prototype was played during a 15minute game session by 11 children with ASD, with ages varying from 5-15 years old(M=9.27, SD=2.97), 91% were male and 9% were female, 82% were verbal ASD and 18%were non-verbal ASD. We video recorded each child and the footage was analysedaccording to game usability and motivation to play. Parents (n=11) filled out a parentalconsent form and a questionnaire about their child´s technology usage and their emotionalunderstanding. Therapists' opinions (n=8) about the game were given during anunstructured interview. The game was presented on an Ipad 4 (9.7 inches, 2048x1536).Participants enjoyed the prototype but it still needs to be simplified. All participants hadexperience with computer games. Fear, disgust and surprise were the most challengingemotions to recognise. Parents suggested adding musical stimuli to promote motivation andtherapists recommended to include visual game instructions. Technology is a usefulresource for autism and LIFEisGAME utilises technology to promote emotionalunderstanding, bringing positive outcomes to quality of life for children with autism.