摘要:“Polymedia”, a concept introduced by Madianou and Miller (2012), refers to the everydayconditions of abundant media resources. Whereas such conditions imply that the classificatoryprocesses concerning media as cultural properties become increasingly complex, fewstudies have tried to produce a general picture of how interpersonal media practices arepart of sociocultural reproduction. This study is based on a nationwide survey conductedin Sweden in 2012 and focuses on mediated communication among “polymedia couples”(39 percent of all Swedish couples). The article demonstrates that sociocultural factors areimportant for explaining media uses, also when media accessibility is more or less unlimited,and pinpoints how preferences for certain modalities of communication are linked toother lifestyle practices as markers of taste. Most notably, email communication attains ahigher sociocultural status than online chat functions and social media, testifying to theenduring significance of asynchronous, text-based communication in a longer format as aculturally distinctive mode of intimate communication
关键词:close relationships; cultural distinction; interpersonal communication; media;use; new media; polymedia; social space