期刊名称:International Journal of Wireless & Mobile Networks
出版社:Academy & Industry Research Collaboration Center (AIRCC)
摘要:In this paper a voice controlled wireless smart home system has been presented for elderly and disabledpeople. The proposed system has two main components namely (a) voice recognition system, and (b)wireless system. LabView software has been used to implement the voice recognition system. On the otherhand, ZigBee wireless modules have been used to implement the wireless system. The main goal of thissystem is to control home appliances by using voice commands. The proposed system can recognize thevoice commands, convert them into the required data format, and send the data through the wirelesstransmitter. Based on the received data at the wireless receiver associated with the appliances desiredswitching operations are performed. The proposed system is a low cost and low power system becauseZigBee is used. Additionally the proposed system needs to be trained of voice command only once. Then thesystem can recognize the voice commands independent of vocabulary size, noise, and speakercharacteristics (i.e., accent).