Learning to think strategically: caught red-handed.
Russo, James
Enhance students' strategic thinking and mathematical reasoning through this deceptively intricate, engaging, counter-based game. Caught red-handed rewards students for thinking multiple moves ahead, and anticipating opponents' reactions. It is suitable for primary school students of all ages, as it is simple to play, yet challenging to master. To begin, you need 19 non-red counters, 3 red counters, a number-chart (as game-board), a 20-sided dice (or spinner) and 2 players. The goal is to be the player who secures the most red counters.
Example of a game
Before beginning, players need to setup the game-board. Non-red counters (e.g., blue) are placed across the squares 1 to 19; the 20-square is covered with a red counter. The dice is rolled once by each player, and blue counters are replaced by red counters for the numbers rolled. For example, Nadav rolls 7 and Alanna 14, and the corresponding counters are replaced (see Figure 1).
A game of rock-paper-scissors decides who begins the game. On their turn, each player is allowed to take either one or two counters, in order, beginning on the 1-square. Nadav plays first and takes one counter (from the 1-square). Alanna's turn. She decides to take two counters (from the 2-square and 3-square). Back to Nadav. He again takes one counter (from the 4-square). Alanna then takes one counter (from the 5-square). Nadav grabs two counters (from the 6-square and 7-square), securing the first red counter. He pumps his fist in jubilation, yet Alanna smiles triumphantly. Play continues until all counters are taken. Who do you think secures the most red counters to win the game?
Questions to extend student thinking (Foundation to Year 2)
* If the first red counter is placed on the 3-square, and the second red counter is placed on the 6-square, are you better off being Player 1 or Player 2? Explain your reasoning.
* If the first red counter is placed on the 5-square, how many counters should Player 1 remove to begin the game so they definitely get this counter? Explain your reasoning. What if the first red counter is placed on the 7-square?
Questions to extend student thinking (Years 3 to 6)
* Is the first or second player advantaged in Caught red-handed? How does this depend on where the red counters are situated?
* Can you imagine a scenario where one player secures all three counters? Can you imagine a scenario where a player has to concede the first counter to their opponent in order to win the game?
* Play the same scenario again, but this time allow each player to take up to three (or four) counters on each turn. How does this change your game strategy?
Feel free to share your experience playing Caught red-handed with the author. He would love to hear from other teachers about how the game went with their class.
James Russo
Caption: Figure 1. Nadav and Alanna prepare their game-board, with the red counters covering the 7-square, 14-square and 20-square.