The definition and delineation of Romania's physical land units.
Moise, Cristian ; Badea, Lucian ; Badea, Alexandru 等
A bio-pedo-climatic factor has a general zonal repartition, but the relief, between all natural complexes (environment) components, is the only factor with non-zonal distribution and which by expanding in altitude modifies the latitudinal zonality in order to transform it into vertical zoning. The whole territorial diversity appears, in this way, as a direct consequence of relief diversity which, in the vision of systemic research, must be understood that it represents the sub-layer or the support of the other factors, although the links and the reciprocal conditionality, in other words all that leads to the diversification of the geo-systems structure and dynamics.
For this reason, in order to get to know as precise as possible the regional and local characteristics of the territory, it is a first level priority to divide it into relatively homogenous units and subunits taking in consideration the report of morphometric and morphographic particularities, of constitution, evolution and present dynamics and the usage possibilities.
The main characteristic of land units is the nonrepeatability or the quality not to repeat neither in space nor time. As a consequence of the particularities and individuality of each division, this has a unique character; hence it can't be seen in any part of the country and in neither in another part of the world. There are some resemblances determined by some common characters, based on which the subunits are associated in unique assemblies of superior levels. The non-repeatability of land units, regardless of the taxonomic category, must be analyzed as being the result of the interference between the zonal and non-zonal repartition of the geographical factors, from the possibility of their combination in space into infinity of forms (Badea et al., 2006). Keeping in mind the reciprocity of the links and the direct conditioning between factors (or the necessity of correspondence between specific manifestations and their limits of manifestation) the idea that the zoning of one of the factors (partial classifications--geomorphic, hydrogeographic, topo-climatic, etc.) represents totally independent operations can't be accepted (Badea et al., 1983). Especially the links between them and the reciprocal dependency impose their correct usage and involvement in determining geo-systems. That is why, it is necessary for any physical land units classification to have a content which could be used in defining geo-systems and in limiting the action of their components (Badea et al., 2001) (Fig.1).
Taking into consideration the fact that geomorphic zoning has the purpose to provide any specialist interested in applying in the field some systematization, arranging and protection measures, a correct delimitation of land units and their divisions in whose contents there is a certain degree of homogeneity, definitive for each territorial individuality which could represent the support for any scientific or practical activity applied in the field.
The classification of Romania's landform units started from the basic feature determined by the presence and the shape of the Carpathian Mountains which confers the whole territory a Carpathian character (by genesis, structure and functions). The Romanian geomorphic system is composed from 17 first level units, very different as size and dividing (fragmentation) degree into subunits (Fig.2).
The criteria used to define and delineate the regions can be represented only by the relief characteristics, namely by its attributes acquired during its entire evolution:
a) genetic and morpho-structural, including morphochronological;
b) morpho-metrical and morpho-graphical (named sometimes geometrical attributes);
c) functional; these can be considered an expression of all the features determined by the constitution, appearance and position of each territorial division
The zoning methodology couldn't be limited at the definition and delineation of the units and sub-units on the topographic maps (at a scale of 1:200000). There was need to continue with the relative ranking operation of the aproximative 1000 divisions in order to obtain the relative equivalence in the limits of each big unit, as well on the Romanian territorial system as a whole (Posea & Badea, 1984).
Each lower rank unit is framed systematically (and systemically) into a higher rank unit, but not completely mandatory, right on the next superior level, this depending on the complexity of each unit, determined by structure, age, petrographic structure, evolution.
Once the whole ranked division network was established the operation continued with their denomination in such a manner that beside the identification code a name was assigned which identifies the category it belongs to, as well as the landform class (level) that it's a part of (Fig.3). The codification was done starting with the geomorphic regions of the country which were noted with Roman numerals. There were disregarded bigger divisions, the domain or the macro-region. 17 regions were defined (I-XVII). The sub-regions were noted with upper case letters (A, B, ...) and the groups of units (or the macro-units) with lower case letters (a, b, ...). On the lower levels were used only Arabic numerals (1, 2, ...) after the same subordinating system (1.1, 1.2, 1.3, ... or 1.1.1, 1.1.2, ..., ...). In the end, each unit (big or small) has its own code.
The support map was obtained by delineating the physical land units on the topographical map 1:200.000 scale. The geo-referencing procedure and establishing the concordance between the limits and the hydrographic network were followed by the overlaying of the limits with the SPOT HRS digital terrain model (Badea et al., 2008). In this way it has been obtained not only the precision of the delineations (in relation with geomorphological elements) but the real image of each division and of the whole orographic system of the Romanian territory (Lillesand et al., 2004) (Fig.4).
As a whole, the classification of Romania's landform units is a part-operation and a final purpose for geomorphic research which has the obligation to provide the most systematic image of the landforms, resulted from the association of the relative homogenous morphogenetic, morphometric and morphographic forms. This can reflect the general image of the landforms into concentrically levels, to illustrate the relatively harmonious development through peripheral adding of new younger units and to reflect the geographic functionality, for which the position and the complementary links between units are very important.
The precision of the delineations is very high where the limits between the land units are represented by the hydrographical network. In all other parts, the precision derives from the support layer (1:200.000 topographic map). The result of this project is the first one ever performed in Romania at this scale and could be the starting point for other local or general maps with a higher accuracy degree of the limits delineation.
Badea, A.; Moise, C.; Dana, I.F.; Olteanu, V.G.; Mamulea, A.A. & Badea, R. (2008). Complex Method for Developing the Digital Geomorphologic Map of Romania at 1:200.000 Scale, 0049-0050, Annals of DAAAM for 2008 & Proceedings of the 19th International DAAAM Symposium, ISBN 978-3-901509-68-1, ISSN 1726-9679, pp 025, Katalinic, B. (Ed.), Published by DAAAM International, Vienna, Austria
Badea, L.; Gastescu, P. & Velcea, V. (1983). Geografia fizica (Physical geography), Editura Academiei Republicii Socialiste Romania, Bucharest, Romania
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Lillesand, T.; Kiefer, R. & Chipman, J. (2004). Remote Sensing and Image Interpretation--Fifth Edition, John Wiley & Sons, Inc., ISBN 0-471-45152-5, USA
Posea, Gr. & Badea, L. (1984). Romania. Unitatile de relief (Regionarea geomorfologica), Editura Stiintifica si Enciclopedica, Bucuresti, Romania