President's column.
Balnave, Nikola
The Society's 50th year has been one of celebration, commemoration, reflection and renewal. It was tremendously fitting that the 2011 National Labour History Conference was held at ANU, Canberra, half a century after ASSLH was established there in 1961. A conference report is provided elsewhere in this issue, but on behalf of ASSLH, I would like to take this opportunity to thank the Canberra Branch, and in particular Melanie Nolan, for organising such a superb event.
The year also marked the 100th issue of the Society's journal, Labour History. This was celebrated with a wonderful symposium in April 2011 at which papers that reviewed the journal's contribution to key debates and issues in the broad field of Australian history were presented. The day ended with a roundtable examining the journal's past, present and potential future contribution to research, scholarship, theory building and debate.
Our branches have been active in organising activities, talks and special events that promote labour history to academics, activists and the general public. In order to support the branches in their endeavours, the Bede Nairn Fund has been reactivated. This fund provides support for specific projects that further the aims and work of the society. Two branches successfully applied for funding in 2011; the Sydney Branch for assistance in holding an event to commemorate the centenary of the Titanic sinking, and the Adelaide Branch for assistance with the purchase of a digital recorder to accurately record the talks organised by the Branch. I would like to thank all the branches for their commitment and contribution to promoting the Society and labour history in general, and encourage you to seek assistance from the Bede Nairn Fund in 2012 to further your efforts.
There were a few changes to the composition of the ASSLH Federal Executive in 2011. Of particular note is that, after decades of service on the Federal Executive, Greg Patmore decided not to run for office. Greg served as National President (1986-1998), Treasurer (2001-2005) and Vice President (2005-2010). He was President of the Sydney Branch (1983-1997; 2007-2008) and Vice President (2008-2009). Greg was also editor of the society's journal Labour History from 1999-2010, and played a key role in developing its international status as a vibrant, progressive and high quality journal. Greg's absence has been felt by the Federal Executive throughout 2011, and will continue to be noticed for years to come. On behalf of the Society, I would like to thank Greg for the incredible enthusiasm, skill and commitment he brought to his many roles, and for inspiring our interest and passion for the Society and labour history more generally.
The Federal executive also welcomed John Shields to the team in 2011, and welcomed back Sigrid McCausland. I would like to extend a big thank you to Andrew Moore, who did not stand again for election, for his fantastic contribution to the Federal Executive over the past years. Many thanks to all the members of the 2011 Federal Executive for their commitment over the year, and especially to the Constitutional Review sub-committee, in particular Anthony McLaughlin and Peter Ellett, for the enormous amount of time and effort they spent drafting a national constitution.