On Learning of a Famous Poet's Syphilis.
Crofts, Thomas
ON LEARNING OF A FAMOUS POET'S SYPHILIS Worms in my brain worms in my brain they drive me insane those worms in my brain --Russell Hoke Christ if I were in my bed againe and not that sack wherein I did obtain these worms which eate within. That damned bedde of sin! O rabid bedde! wherein were bred the fleas that maunge withinne. Whilst wormes like starved animalls gnaw my braine and vitals, O heart, thy beate becomes as dulle funerall drums. A whistling breath (like rattling Death) and red and tender gums. And this vile mercuriall drink, from bad apothecary shoppe, doth stink of urine and metaphysicall ruine They who bidde mee drain this vial of compounde medicinall stay not, but back out of my Room. They doe not know the Hollownesse through which it falles resistless through naturall gates and alleys, to the butts of these, my most unhallowed, dungeon'd Guttes, and putrescent layers of ruinous prayers. O leprous distilment! O sinne! And loathsome crust upon my skinne.