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  • 标题:Examining teacher preparation programs: students' perceptions in the era of restructuring.
  • 作者:Flottemesch, Kim M. ; Wesley Clizer, C. ; Flottemesch, Thomas J.
  • 期刊名称:Academy of Educational Leadership Journal
  • 印刷版ISSN:1095-6328
  • 出版年度:1999
  • 期号:January
  • 出版社:The DreamCatchers Group, LLC

Examining teacher preparation programs: students' perceptions in the era of restructuring.

Flottemesch, Kim M. ; Wesley Clizer, C. ; Flottemesch, Thomas J. 等


As the 21st century draws near, modern day students will be faced with many educational demands, challenges, and opportunities for learning and growth. These challenges will require teacher education programs, and the pre-service teachers they serve, to be well- qualified and committed to ensuring that the modern day student is prepared for the challenges and opportunities in America's third century (Promising Practices, 1998).

With the turn of the century, education will be the key component in assisting modern day students to prosper in the new economy, building skills necessary for the competitive workforce, and laying the foundation for positive citizenship (Promising Practices, 1998). The training pre-service teachers receive is a critical element to ensuring modern day students will be successful in society. Therefore, the preparation and support of pre-service teachers toward the career-long development of knowledge and skills, is a challenge faced by teacher education programs.


Societal Changes

Societal changes are placing added pressures on teachers and schools. America's classrooms are serving more diverse students than ever before (Promising Practices, 1998). Lasting changes in today's society and schools include:

1) changing demographics related to racial and ethnic groups with implications for educational differences in basic value systems, customs, beliefs, and native language and communication styles;

2) dramatic shifts in the organization of basic social structures, such as the family, the workplace, and the community, that call for modifications in educators' roles and responsibilities along with schools' policies and procedures;

3) new demands on schools to develop curricula that teach academic subjects while developing student's skills for successful adult living;

4) rapid developments in computer and telecommunications technologies that are revolutionizing the nature of public education and social discourse; and

5) heightened interest in the moral and ethical dimensions of education and social services that is redefining the rights and duties that membership in the human community confers (Lombardi & Ludlow, 1996).

The societal conditions in which children grow up are impacting classrooms. More students are coming to school at risk because of poverty, inadequate nutrition, housing, health and medical care, and other adverse conditions at home (Promising Practices, 1998). Schools are recognizing more modern day students in societal crisis, and pre-service teachers must be prepared to meet these challenges.

In addition to the societal issues previously mentioned, economic changes are placing new demands on students, teachers, and schools. In the early 1900s, 10 percent of the nation's jobs required a post-secondary education. Today, More than half of the jobs created for the 21' century will require some form of post-secondary education (Haselkom, 1997). Solid skills, critical thinking, lifelong learning (Promising Practices, 1998), and technological literacy (Lombardi & Ludlow, 1996) have become additional issues the pre-service teacher must be prepared to face.

Supply and Demand

As societal changes are creating new challenges, the issue of supply and demand places added pressure on teacher preparation programs. In 1997, a record number of students entered the nation's schools, pushing classrooms to their limit (Promising Practices, 1998). By 2007, 90 percent of America's public schools will educate nearly three million more children than they do today (U.S. Department of Education, 1997). The enrollment increases are occurring just as teacher retirements are beginning to accelerate (Promising Practices, 1998). Over the next decade, more than two million teachers will need to be hired to match the enrollment in the public schools (U.S. Department of Education, 1997). In order to meet the demand, many schools will be hiring non-qualified teachers.

The National Commission on Teaching and America's Future (1997) found that more than 50,000 people who lack training for the job, enter the teaching profession annually on emergency or provisional licenses. The Commission also found that fewer than 75 percent of teachers are considered fully qualified: having studies child development, learning, and teaching methods; holding degrees in their subject area; and having passed state licensure requirements. Teacher preparation programs need to address these issues in regards to their credential and curriculum requirements.


These societal and supply/demand challenges offer a window of opportunity for teacher preparation programs to initiate improvements in their programs. Focus of teacher preparation programs need to provide training and support that will ensure that there is talented, dedicated, and well-prepared teachers in the classrooms (Promising Practices, 1998). The sense of urgency accompanies these efforts because of growing demand to prepare more teachers in a shorter period of time.

Current teachers in the field can provide needed insight concerning teacher preparation experiences. According to the National Center for Education Statistics (1997), only 1 in 5 teachers feels "very well prepared" to work in a modern classroom. Specifically, only 20 percent said they were confident in using modern technology or in working with students from diverse backgrounds, with limited proficiency in English or with disabilities. Overall, less than half of American teachers feel prepared to meet many of the challenges facing public classrooms today and in the next century.

The University of Idaho's Division of Teacher Education is facing these challenges head on in its teacher preparation program. As the Division is in the process of restructuring the program, these societal and supply/ demand issues are being addressed. In order to facilitate the process of restructuring, a needs assessment was conducted based on information gathered from former graduates from the Division of Teacher Education. The focus of the study was to explore graduate's perceptions of their preparations for the teaching field.


The National Commission on Teaching & America's Future (1997) proposed one goal for the year 2006. That goal is to provide every student in America with access to competent, caring, qualified teachers and schools organized for success. The University of Idaho's College of Education is in the process of restructuring its teacher education programs in order to provide pre-service teachers the knowledge, experiences, and skills necessary to meet the growing challenges of the modern day classroom.

In order to further facilitate this process, a survey of recent graduates (last 10 years) was conducted to gage perceptions, strengths and potential decencies in the teacher preparation programs. The following research questions were used to assess the results of the study. They are as follows:

1) What are the demographic characteristics of Teacher Education graduates?

2) What is the perception of graduates toward the Teacher Education program in terms of preparation for entry level teaching performance?

3) What is the perception of graduates in comparing the skills they gained in the Teacher Education Division with respect to required professional performance?

4) What changes can be identified for program improvement?

5) Are there identifiable differences among elementary, secondary of dual certification teachers with respect to the nine month internship?


A needs assessment was conducted based on information gathered from former graduates from the Division of Teacher Education at the University of Idaho. The focus of the study was to explore graduate's perceptions of their preparations for the teaching field.

In order to evaluate the research questions posed, a survey instrument was created and distributed to a random sampling of 700 of the 4100 graduates which have graduated within the last ten years from the Division of Teacher Education. The initial survey was sent to the entire sample and for those who did not respond within a four week time frame, a follow-up survey was distributed. From both mailings, 263 responses were received allowing results to be evaluated at the .06 confidence interval.

The survey tool consisted of 31 questions. Sixteen were designed to ascertain demographic information specifically related to the field of education. 10 questions focused on perceptions of teacher preparedness. The remaining questions assessed what areas of program were of most need of improvement and attitudes towards specific proposed curriculum changes.


Analysis of the data was conducted to provide results directly related to the research questions posed. The following section will highlight the research question with the results described.

What are the demographic characteristics of teacher education graduates?

The average respondent was female, married, currently employed full time as an elementary teacher. The corresponding percentages for these categories were 85% female, 76% married, 61% currently employed, and 68% as elementary teachers.

A more even distribution was found when examining age, years of teaching experience, and education levels. For this set of questions, respondents were asked to place themselves in an identifying category or group. For instance, the years of teaching experience were divided into the following categories: 1) 1-2 years, 2) 3-5 years, 3) 6-10 years, 4) 10+ years. It was found, however, that respondents tended to be between 36-55 years old, been teaching for more than 10 years, and have a Bachelor degree.

What is the perception of graduates toward the Teacher Education program in terms of preparation for entry level teaching performance?

The data indicates that over half of the respondents believed they were well prepared for an entry level teaching position. Only 17% of respondents felt they did not have courses which accurately reflected current issues in education, 67% did.

While 68% of the surveyed believed their training to enter education was satisfactory, only 62% of the survey believed their professional preparation was sufficient. Although the difference in the number of respondents is only 16, this illustrates a difference between how respondents saw their training as educators as opposed to preparation they received from the University of Idaho.

Other data that supports this suggestion was found when comparing opportunities for students to develop needed skills. Sixty eight percent of respondents felt they were satisfactorily provided with professional opportunities. Fifty two percent of the respondents felt these opportunities were sufficient to learn and practice their teaching skills.

What is the perception of graduates in comparing the skills they gained in the Teacher Education Division with respect to required professional performance?

Respondents answered by a 2-1 margin that the semester long student teaching experience was adequate for their preparation as a classroom teacher (55; 25%). Similar numbers were reflected with respect to adequate field supervision for student teachers. In addition to these findings, 65% of the graduates who responded felt the requirements for the degree they had earned was satisfactory.

What changes can be identified for program improvement?

Weaknesses of teacher education programs are often cited as lack of instruction in discipline and classroom management skills (Lindsey, 1997; Murry, 1991; Nichelson & Lasley, 1982) and working with students with special needs (Lindsey, 1997; Pratzner, 1987). The data suggests that graduates from the University of Idaho are no different in their perceptions of needed areas for program improvement. Classroom management and working with students with special needs were the top two identified areas for additional focus in education preparation.

The following chart ranks respondents' perceptions of needed areas of emphasis in the Division of Teacher Education to assist in their preparedness for the modern day classroom.

Are there identifiable differences among elementary, secondary, and dual certification teachers with respect to the nine month internship?

Previous research indicates that a majority of graduates from teacher education programs view the immersion into actual school environments through practicums as a major strength in their preparations (Murry, 1991). However, the concept of increased in- school experiences has expanded to the student teaching internship. Organizations such as the National Commission on Teaching and America's Future (1997) states that in order to reinvent teacher preparation programs, an extended, year-long internship is necessary.

In order to assess how receptive former graduates are to the idea of internships of an increased duration, the aforementioned question was posed. Respondents were divided into three distinct categories of elementary certification, secondary certification and dual (elementary and secondary) certification.

The results were as follows: with 95% confidence, respondents with either an elementary or dual certification responded more favorably to the concept of an nine month internship than secondary teachers. At the same time, no significant difference in the attitudes of elementary and dual certified respondents was found with respect to a nine month internship. The results indicate the overall perceptions toward a nine month internship. Out of 263 respondents, 26 (10%) individuals did not respond, while 50% responded favorably and 40% responded unfavorably.

The pie chart below indicates overall perceptions toward a nine month internship. Out of 263 respondents, 26 individuals did not respond as indicated in the graph.

Pie chart


This survey provides needed background information for the University of Idaho to assess the effectiveness of its teacher preparation programs via the attitudes of both recent and long standing graduates. Specific content areas the survey highlighted for change include an increased emphasis in classroom discipline, working with special needs populations, and opportunities to acquire and practice teaching skills in practicum experiences.

Future research in this area may want to explore perceptions specifically between elementary and secondary educators with regards to in-class training. In addition, a further avenue of research could be the analysis of perceptions of teacher preparedness. More specifically, how can teacher education programs instill a sense of rigorous training as well as adequate preparation.


Haselkom, J. D. (1997). Shaping the profession that shapes America's future. Paper prepared for the U.S. Department of Education's national Forum on Attracting and Preparing Teachers for the 21st Century, Washington, D.C.

Murray, D. R. (1991). The analysis of the perceptions of teacher education graduates on their preparation for service: A five year review. [ERIC Database ED 335349].

National Commission on Teaching and America's Future. (1997). What matters most: teaching for America's future. (September), New York.

Nichelson, J. E. & Lasley, T. J. (1982). Teacher education curricula: A look at preparation in human relations and dealing with behavior problems. [ERIC Database ED 215962].

Lindsey, M. (1997). Idaho Special Education Needs Assessment Survey. State Department of Education, Boise, ID.

Lombardi, T. P & Ludlow, B. L. (1996). Trends shaping the future of special education. [ERIC Database ED 4016811.

Pratzner, F.C. (1987). Vocational teacher education: A survey of pre-service and in-service preparation. [ERIC Database ED 2919711.

Promising practices: New ways to improve teacher quality (September, 1998). Washington, D.C. U.S. Department of Education, National Center for Educational Statistics. (1997). Projections of education statistics to 2007. (NCES 97-382). Washington, D.C

Kim M. Flottemesch, University of Idaho

C. Wesley Clizer, University of Idaho

Thomas J. Flottemesch, Washington Sate University AREAS IDENTIFIED FOR NEEDED EMPHASIS Area Value Percentage Discipline / classroom management 162 62% Special needs students 132 50% Computer Skills 124 47% Assessment 93 35% Curriculum development 81 31% Legal liability / responsibilities 77 29% Teaching methods 72 27% Counseling Skills 66 25% Conferences 50 19% Minorities/ Cultural diversity 48 18% Professional development 36 14% Instructional media 29 11% Families 25 10% Substance Abuse 23 9% Other 23 9% Organization of administration 13 5% Research 8 3% Student Clubs 2 1% History of Philosophy 0% 0%